About ScaffoldLearn  

ScaffoldLearn combines strong content, proven practice-based learning pedagogy and Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Adaptive Learning (AI-AL) technology that adds a robust system to students’ learning process which allows efficient learning of new concepts, knowledge retention and accessibility . 

ScaffordLearn employment of repeated exercises content from different angles, at spaced intervals, build retention and long-term knowledge mastery. Over time, students cover and master near 100% of the training content.

Our learning strategies are evidence-based and supported by research so students can learn effectively and assuredly.

ScaffoldLearn adopts Practice-Based Learning methodology - 10-10 concept (10 questions per practice and 10 minutes practise time). These questions are curated by the system AI-AL from the various topics and carefully formulated to help students grasp the key learning point in that question. 

Students do practice questions that are tied to Subject’s Knowledge Rung (KR) or Learning Objectives (LO) so that they build up subject mastery in a systematic and orderly fashion.

ScaffoldLearn also teaches new bite-size knowledge by building it onto existing knowledge so students can learn easier, faster and smarter. The use of effective visual aids also helps accelerate and retain students' learning.

Each set of practice questions is taken from a pool of questions bank.  The questions difficulty progresses from the foundation skills to the higher ones as the student progresses. The aim is to help him/her to achieve complete mastery of the key knowledge of a subject.
According to an international benchmarking study, the Singapore Math curriculum is ranked #1 in the world. The Singapore Math syllabus is widely adopted by schools globally in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia.

The growing international recognition of Singapore math is a testament to the success of the curriculum. The syllabus trains students in higher-order thinking skills to apply knowledge and conceptual understanding to solve problems.

Though your child may not be studying in Singapore or you may be homeschooling your child, ScaffoldLearn unique teaching pedagogy in the Singapore Math syllabus, together with the utilisation of Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Adaptive Learning (AI-AL) technology, can train your child in critical thinking, and build deep learning and knowledge retention in Mathematics.

ScaffoldLearn can be accessed via mobile phone, tablet, laptop and desktop with internet connection. ScaffoldLearn works well with the following browsers: 

For mobile devices, ScaffoldLearn is available for free download at Apple App and Google Play stores. Simply register an account with ScaffoldLearn to start your learning journey.

Yes, you can access your ScaffoldLearn account in multiple devices as long as the device you use, has ScaffoldLearn downloaded. 

ScaffoldLearn provides comprehensive real time learning reports for students, parents and educators. This can encourage students as they see their mastery progression, and give them confidence that they are able to achieve something for themselves.

If you have bought the license as a parent/educator, you can monitor your child’s/students’ knowledge rung (KR) mastery via your account. Parents/Educators can find out the specific weaker KR skill sets that your child/student has not mastered based on the practices that he/she had done. The progress information can easily be obtained by checking the Weaker KR Progress tab in ScaffoldLearn. Parents/Educators can select the practices to determine the topic content in which your child/student is weak in.

If you have bought the license as a student, your knowledge rung mastery can be monitored via ‘My progress’ in your account.

ScaffordLearn is not a quick fix solution. It requires students to diligently practise on a daily basis to push towards knowledge mastery.  However, if your child/student is weak on some topics and is already strong in the others, he/she may select the relevant topics through the topic configurator and practice those topics that he/she is weak in.   

Consistency learning and practice is key to success. We recommend that your child/student practice daily. Each practice comprises 10 questions which typically takes about 10 minutes to complete.  A good practice routine of 6 practices a day, done throughout the day, is highly recommended.

As ScaffoldLearn is easily accessible via any mobile devices, your child/student can do the practices anytime of the day such as when he/she is on a bus or during school recess. Regular practice will help your child/student inculcate a sense of practice routine which fosters effective study habits and positive study attitude.

Yes, through AI technology, ScaffoldLearn progresses your child/student forward to the next level when he/she has demonstrated mastery of the previous level. We believe in continual progression, and your child/student progresses at his/her own pace.

Scaffold believes that solving problems is more effective for learning than watching lectures and videos. ScaffoldLearn adopts the Practice-Based Learning methodology - 10-10 concept (10 questions per practice and 10 minutes practise time). The questions are carefully formulated to help students grasp the key learning point in that question. Consistent learning is key to success. Students are encouraged to do 6 practices a day, done throughout the day, to refresh their knowledge or learn a new one. More practices per day lead to faster mastery.

The table below shows the minimum number of practices your child/student is recommended to do in ScaffoldLearn per day, based on their level and time of the year they join ScaffoldLearn.

*Students who are currently in Primary 6 joining ScaffoldLearn may need to do more practices to complete ScaffoldLearn recommended learning schedule in time for PSLE. Alternatively, they can also catch up their learning via ScaffoldLearn recommended selections of Primary 6 topics syllabus listed below.

The recommended Primary 6 topics syllabus are:

  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Decimals
  • Percentages
  • Ratio
  • Algebra
  • Distance, Speed and Time
  • Area and volume
  • Geometry
  • Data representation and interpretation

Students can make selection of topics via ‘Topics’ in ScaffoldLearn main menu.

About Subscription

Detailed subscription plans and prices are available at Pricing. 

It depends on the subscription plan that you have bought. We have 1 month, 6 months and 1 year subscription duration. The subscription duration will last for the period of subscription plan you have purchased. Check out Pricing for more information on the subscription duration.

The subscription plan covers Singapore Mathematics syllabuses in Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6 (equivalent to Year 6-8 in UK and Grade 5-7 in US), which students have access to them all. Through AI technology, ScaffoldLearn progresses students from foundational to advanced knowledge in all of these syllabuses.

No. It will not be auto-renewed. You will receive a reminder email to renew the subscription before it expires. 

If the Subjects are not renewed upon its expiry, your access to the Subjects will be suspended. However, all the student’s learning records and processes will be retained in ScaffordLearn for a period of up to 2 years from the expiry date.  Your child/student will be able to resume his/her progress once you renew the subscription.  

Please login to your account. Go to the Licenses page. Click ‘Assign license key’. Make sure your child/student has created an account with ScaffoldLearn. Enter your child/student’s email address registered with ScaffoldLearn. Your license will be linked to your child’s/student’s account.

No. You will need to purchase a separate license. One license for one child.

Yes, you can. You may change to a lower or higher plan when you renew.

There will be no cancellation and refund of payment after signing up.

You may not change the existing subscription duration of the plan you have bought. However, you may subscribe again to the new subscription duration you like. For example, you have subscribed to a 6-month duration and after using it for 3 months, you wish to extend it by 12 months. You may do so by purchasing a new 12-month subscription duration. The date of expiry will then be extended by 12 months from the expiry date of your existing 6-month subscription. In other words, the new subscription duration that you buy will be added to the existing one that you have bought.

Parents/Educators may purchase the subscription license under Parents/Educators account, and assign the license access to their child(ren)/students. Parents/Educators need to register an account with ScaffordLearn and check the Monitor box. Your child/student also needs to register an account with ScaffoldLearn so that you can assign the license to him/her.

If you purchase the license under Parents/Educators account, you will be able to view your child’s/student’s knowledge rung mastery progress via your account registered with ScaffoldLearn. For purchases made under the student’s account, the student’s knowledge rung mastery progress is only accessible via the student's account.

Technical Issues

You/Your child/student may reset the password by clicking on ‘forget your password’ in the Log in/Register page. You/Your child/student will receive an email from us for your permission to reset your password. You may then key in your new password when prompted to do so.

You may change your password in your profile page after you have logged in to your account. Click ‘Change password’. Enter your old password for verification and new password for change.

To change your email, you will need to email us at support@scaffoldlearn.com indicating your request to change your registered email with us and stating the new email address that you wish to register your account with. We will then send you an email to your new email account for verification. 

You can try again after clearing your system cache or reloading ScaffoldLearn in a new web page.

Log in to your account. Under the navigation tab, select Topic and click on Edit Topics. Choose the topics you like to include in the practice and click Save. Remember to refresh the page. It will direct you to the practice home page.

You will not be able to choose the sub-topics in each major topic. In ScaffoldLearn, the practice questions are carefully formulated to help your child/student progress from foundation to higher knowledge. These questions are curated by the system AI from the various topics and sub-topics. Applying Bloom’s taxonomy in education, your child’s/student's skills are built progressively from foundation to higher knowledge to ensure that he/she has firm footing as he/she progresses higher in his/her knowledge ladder and achieve more complex knowledge application.

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