Combining strong content, proven pedagogy and AI technology to help students acquire subject mastery

Our aim

Help students achieve near 100% long-term knowledge mastery

Combining strong content, proven pedagogy and AI technology to help students acquire subject mastery

Our aim

Help students achieve near 100% long-term knowledge mastery

Each Subject consists of Topics which is broken down into its own set of Knowledge Rungs (or Learning Objective). Before students can ascend any Rung, they need to go through practice problems selected by our AI technology. Students cannot skip Rungs. This is to ensure that they ascend comfortably and confidently.

With every Rung ascended, students will be more skilled in the current Topic, before moving on the next Topic and so on, until they eventually achieve mastery.

Learn through practise

ScaffoldLearn adopts the Practice-Based Learning methodology. We believe that the action of solving problems makes learning more effective than watching videos passively.

We have developed tens of thousands of practice questions, each question tied to achieving a specific Knowledge Rung (KR) of a Subject.

The more problems solved, the more Knowledge Rungs achieved, and the closer a student is towards attaining mastery in the Subject. Mastery is attained progressively and systematically.

ScaffordLearn provides the upward push students need to achieve more Knowledge Rungs in their climb towards Mastery.

Practice makes progress, and progress leads to excellence

Strong Learning Content

The practice questions in ScaffoldLearn are based on Singapore’s academic syllabus, and are carefully formulated to help students progress from foundational knowledge to advanced knowledge.

Most of the time, the reason why students face difficulty in understanding and applying higher order knowledge, is that they do not have a solid, firm foundation to begin with.

ScaffordLearn addresses this gap in its learning pedagogy.

We want to ensure that students have firm footing as they progress higher and higher in the knowledge ladder.

ScaffoldLearn helps students to secure firm footing in their foundational knowledge before they progress to more advanced knowledge


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10-10 Learning Concept

ScaffoldLearn advocates consistency in learning. Students are encouraged to practise at least three times a day to refresh his attained knowledge or learn a new one.

This is why each practice session on ScaffordLearn has been designed to take only about 10 minutes, and contains only 10 practice questions.

We call this the 10-10 Learning Method.

These questions are curated by the system’s AI, depending on the Subject, Topic, and knowledge level of the student at the point of login to the system.

Have more than 10 minutes a day and more than 10 questions? Even faster will the climb be towards mastery.

Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Adaptive Learning (AI-AL) technology

Having learnt something at one point does not mean long term remembrance. This is due to the Law of Forgetfulness which states that one will forget about 75% of what he has learnt after one day.

ScaffoldLearn builds learning retention and near 100% long-term knowledge mastery.

Knowledge retention algorithm for
enhanced learning and retention

ScaffordLearn uses AI technology to track and adapt each student’s practice set according to his/her learning progress.

If your child does not understand or forget a learning point, ScaffordLearn knows and uses a proprietary knowledge retention algorithm to remember skills that he/she is weak in. It will then appropriately space out the timeframe for revisiting these skills, until your child attains full mastery of the subject.

Upon subject mastery, AI technology builds continual learning reinforcement by enabling spaced learning which has been proven to slow down forgetting process and enhance information retention to achieve long term memory.


ScaffoldLearn provides real time comprehensive report of student’s knowledge rung mastery and progress updates on student’s learning. Student’s practice frequency, knowledge rung (KR) mastery level and topic progression are tracked and can be retrieved easily with a click. This encourages students as they see their mastery progression and gives them confidence in their learning achievements.

This information also help students, parents and educators to monitor students’ weaker KR so that more attention can be placed on them for learning improvement.

Reports for students, parents and educators

Learn anytime, anywhere

ScaffoldLearn can be accessed via desktops, laptops, mobile phones, tablets with internet connection.
Use any devices to suit your preferences.

Pedagogy Backed by Research ScaffoldLearn teaching methods are backed by research.

Scaffolding in education is a reliable concept developed by researchers since 1976!

ScaffoldLearn learning strategies in the use of prior knowledge and bite size learning is supported by cognitive learning theories.

Prior knowledge makes it easier for learning new things because of how our brain works. During learning, we connect new learning to what we already know in our brains, hence bridging a connection between the old and new information, making learning easier and faster.

ScaffoldLearn stacks new knowledge onto existing knowledge. Over time, as more and more new knowledge and learning is gained, the student develops increasingly deeper and more complex understanding of the subject.

Cognitive Load Theory believes that our working memory can only hold a certain amount of information at once. If too much information is given at once, the mind will go into “cognitive overload’ which slows down or stops learning.

ScaffoldLearn works against cognitive overload by imparting small and manageable bite-size knowledge which makes learning easier and effective.

In ScaffoldLearn Mathematical syllabus, ScaffoldLearn utilises strategy in mathematical problem solving developed by researchers which has been proven to be successful even for students with mathematical learning disabilities.

Hence, ScaffoldLearn is suitable for any and every student.

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