How to install ScaffoldLearn on mobile devices

ScaffoldLearn can be downloaded free at Apple Store and Google Play.

You may also search for ‘ScaffoldLearn’ in your device App Store and download it for free.

How to purchase ScaffoldLearn subscription licenses

Thank you for your interest to purchase ScaffoldLearn subscription plan.

ScaffoldLearn subscription plan can only be purchased via  ScaffoldLearn App, available for free download at Apple App and Google Play stores.

Simply create an account at ScaffoldLearn, select your subscription plan and complete your purchase.

To create an account via 

Step 1: Download ScaffoldLearn at Apple App or Google Play stores.

Step 2: Create an account with ScaffoldLearn

Step 3: Choose if you want to sign up ScaffoldLearn via Facebook/Google log in OR using your email

Note: You can only choose EITHER Facebook, Google OR Email to join. You will not be able to change it after that.

Step 3a: Sign up via Facebook log in

Step 3b: Sign up via Google log in

Step 3c: Sign up using your email
Fill in your personal particulars (name, email address, password and country).

Choose option of signing up as a student or as a parent/teacher.

A student account is able to purchase single license for a subject, do practices and obtain reports of his/her master progress.

A parent/teacher account is able to purchase multiple licenses for the same subject, assign them to your children/students, and obtain reports of each of their mastery progress.


Step 4: Click on the link sent to your email for verification.
You should receive an email verification notification after clicking on the link in your email.

Step 5: Sign in ScaffoldLearn using your registered email and password or via Facebook/Google.

Step 6: Choose your desired subscription plan(s) and complete your purchases.

How to assign licenses to my child(ren)/students

Please ensure that parents/educators and the students each have an account registered with ScaffoldLearn. You may do so via Login/Register if you have not done do.

Step 1: Log in to your account at ScaffoldLearn as a parent/educator

Step 2: Click on the 3 lines icon at the top left corner

Then select ‘Licenses’ in the drop down menu

Step 3: Click on the ‘Assign’ icon at the right

Step 4: Enter your child’s/student’s email registered with ScaffoldLearn

Click OK
You will receive a notification to indicate the license has been assigned successfully.


Please tell us how we can help by sending your request via support ticket submission at the Support tab in ScaffoldLearn. Ticket requests are typically answered within 2 working days.

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